ich bin verzweifelt, denn ich suche seit Tagen nach einer Antwort auf die Frage, warum mein Pin/Tan-Verfahren (910 bzw. 911) nicht funktioniert.
Ich habe ein Konto, was auf ChipTan eingestellt ist. Im Browser funktioniert auch alles ganz klasse. Wenn ich es jedoch mit AQBANKING versuche, komme ich nicht zum Erfolg. Ich werde aus den Fehlermeldungen nicht schlau und wende mich deshalb an dieses Forum.
Ich habe folgenden Befehl mit:
und habe dabei folgendes aufgezeichnet:
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_init.c: 180: Registering bankinfo plugin manager
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_init.c: 212: Registering provider plugin manager
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_init.c: 243: Registering imexporters plugin manager
4:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 156: Overriding loglevel for AqHBCI with "info"
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 164: Initializing AqHBCI backend
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):hbci.c: 137: Loading XML files
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):hbci.c: 144: Adding XML descriptions
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_user.c: 42: No users
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_cfg.c: 519: Loading new user [00000009]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 135: Extending user with mode 1
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 469: Job "JobTan" needs BPD job "HITANS"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 492: Checking Job JobTan (1)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 492: Checking Job JobTan (3)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 900 [iTAN] for GV version 1
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 920 [smsTAN] for GV version 1
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 900 [iTAN] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 920 [smsTAN] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 910 [HHD1.3.0] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 911 [HHD1.3.0OPT] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_account.c: 43: No accounts
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 325: Customer prefers multi jobs
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 132: Job "JobMultiTransfer" needs BPD job "HISUBS"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 198: Checking Job JobMultiTransfer (3)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 198: Checking Job JobMultiTransfer (4)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 236: Highest version is 4
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 261: Code is "HKSUB"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 299: This job needs a TAN
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 358: Single message job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1055: Exchanging 0 (JobMultiTransfer)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobmultitransfer.c: 407: Exchanging (0)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 470: Job successfully updated
Aufträge werden ausgeführt: Started.
Sende Auftre and die Bank(en)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_online.c: 70: Checking job...
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_online.c: 78: Same provider, adding job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 570: Customer prefers multi jobs
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 2205: Searching for transfer job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 2238: No matching multi job found
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 132: Job "JobMultiTransfer" needs BPD job "HISUBS"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 198: Checking Job JobMultiTransfer (3)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 198: Checking Job JobMultiTransfer (4)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 236: Highest version is 4
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 261: Code is "HKSUB"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 299: This job needs a TAN
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 358: Single message job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1055: Exchanging 1 (JobMultiTransfer)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobmultitransfer.c: 407: Exchanging (1)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobmultitransfer.c: 365: No local suffix, filling in (if possible)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1657: CBox for customer "AAAAAAAA" not found
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1678: Creating CBox for customer "AAAAAAAA"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobMultiTransfer" from "unknown" (0) to "todo" (1)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 747: Job successfully added
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_online.c: 111: Letting backend "AQHBCI" work
Sperre Benutzer
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1568: Locking customer "AAAAAAAA"
Sperre Benutzer AAAAAAAA
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 135: Extending user with mode 5
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 469: Job "JobTan" needs BPD job "HITANS"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 492: Checking Job JobTan (1)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 492: Checking Job JobTan (3)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 900 [iTAN] for GV version 1
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 920 [smsTAN] for GV version 1
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 900 [iTAN] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 920 [smsTAN] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 910 [HHD1.3.0] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 911 [HHD1.3.0OPT] for GV version 3
Executing HBCI jobs
AqHBCI gestartet
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1532: Preparing queues for customer "AAAAAAAA"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 484: Preparing dialog jobs
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 535: Preparing non-dialog jobs
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 540: We have 1 jobs to handle
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 546: Still some jobs left todo
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 553: Queueing job "JobMultiTransfer"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 240: Copying signers from job to queue
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobMultiTransfer" from "todo" (1) to "enqueued" (2)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 287: Job added to the queue
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 609: Job "JobMultiTransfer" successfully added
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 661: Still something to do
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 673: Adding last queue
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1539: Preparing queues for customer "AAAAAAAA": done
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1834: Sending next message for customer "AAAAAAAA"
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 853: Creating dialog open request
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 860: Creating non-anonymous dialog open request
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 358: Single message job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 469: Job "JobTan" needs BPD job "HITANS"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 492: Checking Job JobTan (1)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 492: Checking Job JobTan (3)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 900 [iTAN] for GV version 1
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 920 [smsTAN] for GV version 1
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 900 [iTAN] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 920 [smsTAN] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 910 [HHD1.3.0] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 911 [HHD1.3.0OPT] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226) 276: Selected TAN method: 910
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226) 286: Found description for selected TAN method 910 (process: 2)
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226) 358: Selecting iTAN mode "chipTAN manuell"
Selecting iTAN mode "chipTAN manuell" (910)
fne Dialog mit dem Server
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 901: Enqueueing dialog open request
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 240: Copying signers from job to queue
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobDialogInit" from "unknown" (0) to "enqueued" (2)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 287: Job added to the queue
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 693: Encoding queue
Auftre werden kodiert
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 345: Queue doesn't need a TAN
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 393: Encoding job "JobDialogInit"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 366: Mode is: "pintan"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 367: Variable is: "bankcode"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 366: Mode is: "pintan"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 367: Variable is: "customerId"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 366: Mode is: "pintan"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 367: Variable is: "systemid"
4:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 387: SystemId requested (deprecated)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 366: Mode is: "pintan"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 367: Variable is: "product"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 366: Mode is: "pintan"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 367: Variable is: "productversion"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 426: Job "JobDialogInit" encoded
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobDialogInit" from "enqueued" (2) to "encoded" (3)
===== PIN-Eingabe =====
Please enter the PIN for
user AAAAAAAA at Kreissparkasse Trollland
Input: *****
5:2011/01/19 20-46-26:aqhbci(2226):msgcrypt_pintan.c: 291: This queue doesn't need a TAN
6:2011/01/19 20-46-26:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 1481: Logging to file [/home/useruser/.aqbanking/backends/aqhbci/data/banks/de/BLZBLZBLZ/logs/20110119-204619-001.log]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-26:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 1481: Logging to file [/home/useruser/.aqbanking/backends/aqhbci/data/banks/de/BLZBLZBLZ/logs/20110119-204619-001.log]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-26:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 485: Job queue encoded and ready to be sent (msgNum=1)
5:2011/01/19 20-46-26:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 705: Sending queue
Auftre werden gesendet
Connecting to server...
Resolving hostname "" ...
IP address is ""
Connecting to ""
Connected to ""
5:2011/01/19 20-46-30:aqbanking(2226):abgui.c: 165: Automatically accepting certificate [49:6C:5D:7D:13:F8:65:D5:2C:9B:E2:6B:F2:4E:27:54]
Sending message...
Message sent.
6:2011/01/19 20-46-30:aqhbci(2226):dialog_https.c: 139: Message sent.
5:2011/01/19 20-46-30:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 718: Message sent
6:2011/01/19 20-46-30:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobDialogInit" from "encoded" (3) to "sent" (4)
Warte auf Antwort
Waiting for response...
HTTP-Status: 200 (OK)
Response received.
Disconnecting from server...
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 747: Got a message
Antwort erhalten
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 916: Mode is: pintan
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 919: Decoding message:
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 1481: Logging to file [/home/useruser/.aqbanking/backends/aqhbci/data/banks/de/BLZBLZBLZ/logs/20110119-204619-001.log]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 109: Supporting type "time"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 109: Supporting type "time"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 1481: Logging to file [/home/useruser/.aqbanking/backends/aqhbci/data/banks/de/BLZBLZBLZ/logs/20110119-204619-001.log]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):msgcrypt_pintan.c: 708: Message signed by "AAAAAAAA"
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 583: Found a result
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 607: Result: Warning (3060: Teilweise liegen Warnungen oder Hinweise vor (HBMSG=10336))
HBCI: 3060 - Teilweise liegen Warnungen oder Hinweise vor (HBMSG=10336) (M)
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 583: Found a result
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 629: Segment result: Ok (20: Der Auftrag wurde ausgeführt.)
HBCI: 0020 - Der Auftrag wurde ausgefrt. (S)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 607: Result: Warning (3920: Zugelassene Zwei-Schritt-Verfahren für den Benutzer.)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1508: TAN method 910 not available
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1508: TAN method 911 not available
HBCI: 3920 - Zugelassene Zwei-Schritt-Verfahren f den Benutzer. (S)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 702: Adding signer "AAAAAAAA"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 710: Storing crypter "AAAAAAAA"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "MsgHead"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobDialogInit" from 026b0000 to 026b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobDialogInit" from "sent" (4) to "answered" (5)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "SigHead"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobDialogInit" from 026b0000 to 026b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "MsgResult"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 963: Msg result: Warning (3060: Teilweise liegen Warnungen oder Hinweise vor (HBMSG=10336))
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobDialogInit" from 026b0000 to 066b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "SegResult"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 768: Checking whether job "JobDialogInit" has segment 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 841: Job "JobDialogInit" checked for 4: first=3, last=4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 773: Job "JobDialogInit" claims to have the segment 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 851: Segment result: Ok (20: Der Auftrag wurde ausgeführt.)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 843: Segment result: Warning (3920: Zugelassene Zwei-Schritt-Verfahren für den Benutzer.)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobDialogInit" from 066b0000 to 066b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 859: Adding response "SegResult" to job "JobDialogInit"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "UserData"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 768: Checking whether job "JobDialogInit" has segment 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 841: Job "JobDialogInit" checked for 4: first=3, last=4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 773: Job "JobDialogInit" claims to have the segment 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 859: Adding response "UserData" to job "JobDialogInit"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "AccountData2"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 768: Checking whether job "JobDialogInit" has segment 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 841: Job "JobDialogInit" checked for 4: first=3, last=4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 773: Job "JobDialogInit" claims to have the segment 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 859: Adding response "AccountData2" to job "JobDialogInit"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "AccountData2"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 768: Checking whether job "JobDialogInit" has segment 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 841: Job "JobDialogInit" checked for 4: first=3, last=4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 773: Job "JobDialogInit" claims to have the segment 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 859: Adding response "AccountData2" to job "JobDialogInit"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "SigTail"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobDialogInit" from 066b0000 to 066b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "MsgTail"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobDialogInit" from 066b0000 to 066b0000
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 1017: No TAN in job [JobDialogInit]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 1040: Dialog not aborted, assuming correct PIN
Dialog wurde nicht abgebrochen, PIN scheint gtig zu sein
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 799: Message dispatched
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 936: Dialog open request done
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1380: Committing data
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "MsgHead"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1613: Checking whether "MsgHead" is a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1672: Segment "MsgHead" is known but not as a BPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "SigHead"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1613: Checking whether "SigHead" is a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1672: Segment "SigHead" is known but not as a BPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "MsgResult"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1613: Checking whether "MsgResult" is a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1672: Segment "MsgResult" is known but not as a BPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "SegResult"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1508: TAN method 910 not available
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1508: TAN method 911 not available
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "UserData"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1613: Checking whether "UserData" is a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1672: Segment "UserData" is known but not as a BPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1683: Found UserData
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "AccountData2"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1613: Checking whether "AccountData2" is a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1672: Segment "AccountData2" is known but not as a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1706: Found AccountData
Empfangenes Konto: BLZBLZBLZ / Giro@Clusiv
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1755: Account "YYYYYYYYY" already exists
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "AccountData2"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1613: Checking whether "AccountData2" is a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1672: Segment "AccountData2" is known but not as a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1706: Found AccountData
Empfangenes Konto: BLZBLZBLZ / Giro@Clusiv
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1755: Account "AAAAAAAA" already exists
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "SigTail"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1613: Checking whether "SigTail" is a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1672: Segment "SigTail" is known but not as a BPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "MsgTail"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1613: Checking whether "MsgTail" is a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1672: Segment "MsgTail" is known but not as a BPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1891: Finished.
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 240: Copying signers from job to queue
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 287: Job added to the queue
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 132: Job "JobTan" needs BPD job "HITANS"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 173: Checking Job JobTan (3)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 236: Highest version is 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 358: Single message job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobTan" from "unknown" (0) to "enqueued" (2)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 287: Job added to the queue
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 101: Encoding job "JobMultiTransfer"
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 108: Queue needs a TAN
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 30: No ITAN hash mode, assuming RMD160
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 33: Using RMD160
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 84: Hashed job segment
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 194: Job "JobMultiTransfer" encoded
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobMultiTransfer" from "enqueued" (2) to "encoded" (3)
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 101: Encoding job "JobTan"
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 111: Jobs doesn't need a TAN
3:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 63: Signers must be added before nodes !
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 194: Job "JobTan" encoded
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobTan" from "enqueued" (2) to "encoded" (3)
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 95: Encoding queue
Auftre werden kodiert
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):msgcrypt_pintan.c: 291: This queue doesn't need a TAN
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 1481: Logging to file [/home/useruser/.aqbanking/backends/aqhbci/data/banks/de/BLZBLZBLZ/logs/20110119-204619-001.log]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 1481: Logging to file [/home/useruser/.aqbanking/backends/aqhbci/data/banks/de/BLZBLZBLZ/logs/20110119-204619-001.log]
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 209: Sending queue
Auftre werden gesendet
Connecting to server...
Resolving hostname "" ...
IP address is ""
Connecting to ""
Connected to ""
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqbanking(2226):abgui.c: 165: Automatically accepting certificate [49:6C:5D:7D:13:F8:65:D5:2C:9B:E2:6B:F2:4E:27:54]
Sending message...
Message sent.
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):dialog_https.c: 139: Message sent.
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 221: Message sent
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobMultiTransfer" from "encoded" (3) to "sent" (4)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobTan" from "encoded" (3) to "sent" (4)
Warte auf Antwort
Waiting for response...
HTTP-Status: 200 (OK)
Response received.
Disconnecting from server...
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 747: Got a message
Antwort erhalten
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 916: Mode is: pintan
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 919: Decoding message:
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 1481: Logging to file [/home/useruser/.aqbanking/backends/aqhbci/data/banks/de/BLZBLZBLZ/logs/20110119-204619-001.log]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 109: Supporting type "time"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 109: Supporting type "time"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 1481: Logging to file [/home/useruser/.aqbanking/backends/aqhbci/data/banks/de/BLZBLZBLZ0110119-204619-001.log]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):msgcrypt_pintan.c: 708: Message signed by "AAAAAAAA"
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 583: Found a result
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 596: Result: Error (9010: Nachricht ist komplett nicht bearbeitet (HBMSG=10319))
HBCI: 9010 - Nachricht ist komplett nicht bearbeitet (HBMSG=10319) (M)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 596: Result: Error (9010: Verarbeitung nicht möglich (HBMSG=10497))
HBCI: 9010 - Verarbeitung nicht mlich (HBMSG=10497) (M)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 596: Result: Error (9800: Dialog abgebrochen (HBMSG=10321))
HBCI: 9800 - Dialog abgebrochen (HBMSG=10321) (M)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 702: Adding signer "AAAAAAAA"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 710: Storing crypter "AAAAAAAA"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "MsgHead"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobMultiTransfer" from 426b0000 to 426b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobMultiTransfer" from "sent" (4) to "answered" (5)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobTan" from 026b0000 to 026b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobTan" from "sent" (4) to "answered" (5)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "SigHead"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobMultiTransfer" from 426b0000 to 426b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobTan" from 026b0000 to 026b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "MsgResult"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 958: Msg result: Error (9010: Nachricht ist komplett nicht bearbeitet (HBMSG=10319))
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 958: Msg result: Error (9010: Verarbeitung nicht möglich (HBMSG=10497))
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 958: Msg result: Error (9800: Dialog abgebrochen (HBMSG=10321))
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobMultiTransfer" from 426b0000 to 4a6b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobTan" from 026b0000 to 0a6b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "SigTail"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobMultiTransfer" from 4a6b0000 to 4a6b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobTan" from 0a6b0000 to 0a6b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "MsgTail"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobMultiTransfer" from 4a6b0000 to 4a6b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobTan" from 0a6b0000 to 0a6b0000
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 1017: No TAN in job [JobMultiTransfer]
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 1017: No TAN in job [JobTan]
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 1028: Dialog logically aborted by peer
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 783: Dialog aborted by server
Dialog-Abbruch durch den Server.
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226) 147: here (-2)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 818: here (-2)
3:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1388: Error performing queue (-2)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1454: Error performing queues (+S, +C: -2)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 266: Finishing customer box
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 109: No pending jobs to check
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobmultitransfer.c: 191: Processing JobMultiTransfer
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):adminjobs.c: 1240: Processing JobTan
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2097: Not checking security in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2171: Not checking signature in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2097: Not checking security in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2171: Not checking signature in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2097: Not checking security in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2171: Not checking signature in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2097: Not checking security in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2171: Not checking signature in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2097: Not checking security in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2171: Not checking signature in PIN/TAN mode
AqHBCI abgeschlossen.
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1620: Unlocking customer "AAAAAAAA"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 135: Extending user with mode 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 758: Looking for id 00000044
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 761: Comparing 00000044
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1055: Exchanging 2 (JobMultiTransfer)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobmultitransfer.c: 407: Exchanging (2)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobmultitransfer.c: 589: No segment results
3:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 878: Error exchanging results
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqbanking(2226):banking_online.c: 119: Error executing backend's queue
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqbanking(2226):banking_online.c: 70: Checking job...
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqbanking(2226):banking_online.c: 70: Checking job...
4:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqbanking(2226):banking_online.c: 137: Not a single job successfully executed
Nachbehandlung der Auftre
Module zurksetzen
Aufträge werden ausgeführt: Finished.
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 186: Deinitializing AqHBCI backend
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):hbci.c: 166: Deinitializing AH_HBCI
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):hbci.c: 177: Setting version 05000000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 122: Destroying AH_PROVIDER
Ich hatte erwartet, dass mich ein Dialog nach der Eingabe einer TAN auffordert. Das ist hier aber nicht geschehen.
Die oben angeführter Aufzeichnung ist mit der Einstellung des Verfahrens auf 910 durchgeführt worden, bei 911 verhält sich alles analog.
Habe ich übersehen, noch etwas zu installieren?
ich bin verzweifelt, denn ich suche seit Tagen nach einer Antwort auf die Frage, warum mein Pin/Tan-Verfahren (910 bzw. 911) nicht funktioniert.
Ich habe ein Konto, was auf ChipTan eingestellt ist. Im Browser funktioniert auch alles ganz klasse. Wenn ich es jedoch mit AQBANKING versuche, komme ich nicht zum Erfolg. Ich werde aus den Fehlermeldungen nicht schlau und wende mich deshalb an dieses Forum.
Ich habe folgenden Befehl mit:
export AQHBCI_LOGLEVEL=info;
Zitat transfer -a AAAAAAAA -c MyTrans.ctx --rbank=RRRRRRRR --raccount=remacc --rname="My Name" -t 51 -v 1.0 -p test
und habe dabei folgendes aufgezeichnet:
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_init.c: 180: Registering bankinfo plugin manager
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_init.c: 212: Registering provider plugin manager
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_init.c: 243: Registering imexporters plugin manager
4:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 156: Overriding loglevel for AqHBCI with "info"
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 164: Initializing AqHBCI backend
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):hbci.c: 137: Loading XML files
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):hbci.c: 144: Adding XML descriptions
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_user.c: 42: No users
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_cfg.c: 519: Loading new user [00000009]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 135: Extending user with mode 1
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 469: Job "JobTan" needs BPD job "HITANS"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 492: Checking Job JobTan (1)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 492: Checking Job JobTan (3)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 900 [iTAN] for GV version 1
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 920 [smsTAN] for GV version 1
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 900 [iTAN] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 920 [smsTAN] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 910 [HHD1.3.0] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 911 [HHD1.3.0OPT] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_account.c: 43: No accounts
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 325: Customer prefers multi jobs
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 132: Job "JobMultiTransfer" needs BPD job "HISUBS"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 198: Checking Job JobMultiTransfer (3)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 198: Checking Job JobMultiTransfer (4)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 236: Highest version is 4
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 261: Code is "HKSUB"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 299: This job needs a TAN
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 358: Single message job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1055: Exchanging 0 (JobMultiTransfer)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobmultitransfer.c: 407: Exchanging (0)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 470: Job successfully updated
Aufträge werden ausgeführt: Started.
Sende Auftre and die Bank(en)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_online.c: 70: Checking job...
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_online.c: 78: Same provider, adding job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 570: Customer prefers multi jobs
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 2205: Searching for transfer job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 2238: No matching multi job found
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 132: Job "JobMultiTransfer" needs BPD job "HISUBS"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 198: Checking Job JobMultiTransfer (3)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 198: Checking Job JobMultiTransfer (4)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 236: Highest version is 4
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 261: Code is "HKSUB"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 299: This job needs a TAN
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 358: Single message job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1055: Exchanging 1 (JobMultiTransfer)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobmultitransfer.c: 407: Exchanging (1)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobmultitransfer.c: 365: No local suffix, filling in (if possible)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1657: CBox for customer "AAAAAAAA" not found
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1678: Creating CBox for customer "AAAAAAAA"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobMultiTransfer" from "unknown" (0) to "todo" (1)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 747: Job successfully added
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqbanking(2226):banking_online.c: 111: Letting backend "AQHBCI" work
Sperre Benutzer
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1568: Locking customer "AAAAAAAA"
Sperre Benutzer AAAAAAAA
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 135: Extending user with mode 5
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 469: Job "JobTan" needs BPD job "HITANS"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 492: Checking Job JobTan (1)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 492: Checking Job JobTan (3)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 900 [iTAN] for GV version 1
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 920 [smsTAN] for GV version 1
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 900 [iTAN] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 920 [smsTAN] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 910 [HHD1.3.0] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 911 [HHD1.3.0OPT] for GV version 3
Executing HBCI jobs
AqHBCI gestartet
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1532: Preparing queues for customer "AAAAAAAA"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 484: Preparing dialog jobs
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 535: Preparing non-dialog jobs
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 540: We have 1 jobs to handle
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 546: Still some jobs left todo
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 553: Queueing job "JobMultiTransfer"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 240: Copying signers from job to queue
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobMultiTransfer" from "todo" (1) to "enqueued" (2)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 287: Job added to the queue
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 609: Job "JobMultiTransfer" successfully added
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 661: Still something to do
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 673: Adding last queue
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1539: Preparing queues for customer "AAAAAAAA": done
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1834: Sending next message for customer "AAAAAAAA"
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 853: Creating dialog open request
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 860: Creating non-anonymous dialog open request
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 358: Single message job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 469: Job "JobTan" needs BPD job "HITANS"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 492: Checking Job JobTan (1)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 492: Checking Job JobTan (3)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 900 [iTAN] for GV version 1
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 920 [smsTAN] for GV version 1
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 900 [iTAN] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 920 [smsTAN] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 910 [HHD1.3.0] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1666: Adding TAN method 911 [HHD1.3.0OPT] for GV version 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226) 276: Selected TAN method: 910
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226) 286: Found description for selected TAN method 910 (process: 2)
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226) 358: Selecting iTAN mode "chipTAN manuell"
Selecting iTAN mode "chipTAN manuell" (910)
fne Dialog mit dem Server
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 901: Enqueueing dialog open request
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 240: Copying signers from job to queue
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobDialogInit" from "unknown" (0) to "enqueued" (2)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 287: Job added to the queue
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 693: Encoding queue
Auftre werden kodiert
5:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 345: Queue doesn't need a TAN
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 393: Encoding job "JobDialogInit"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 366: Mode is: "pintan"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 367: Variable is: "bankcode"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 366: Mode is: "pintan"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 367: Variable is: "customerId"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 366: Mode is: "pintan"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 367: Variable is: "systemid"
4:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 387: SystemId requested (deprecated)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 366: Mode is: "pintan"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 367: Variable is: "product"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 366: Mode is: "pintan"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 367: Variable is: "productversion"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 426: Job "JobDialogInit" encoded
6:2011/01/19 20-46-19:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobDialogInit" from "enqueued" (2) to "encoded" (3)
===== PIN-Eingabe =====
Please enter the PIN for
user AAAAAAAA at Kreissparkasse Trollland
Input: *****
5:2011/01/19 20-46-26:aqhbci(2226):msgcrypt_pintan.c: 291: This queue doesn't need a TAN
6:2011/01/19 20-46-26:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 1481: Logging to file [/home/useruser/.aqbanking/backends/aqhbci/data/banks/de/BLZBLZBLZ/logs/20110119-204619-001.log]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-26:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 1481: Logging to file [/home/useruser/.aqbanking/backends/aqhbci/data/banks/de/BLZBLZBLZ/logs/20110119-204619-001.log]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-26:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 485: Job queue encoded and ready to be sent (msgNum=1)
5:2011/01/19 20-46-26:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 705: Sending queue
Auftre werden gesendet
Connecting to server...
Resolving hostname "" ...
IP address is ""
Connecting to ""
Connected to ""
5:2011/01/19 20-46-30:aqbanking(2226):abgui.c: 165: Automatically accepting certificate [49:6C:5D:7D:13:F8:65:D5:2C:9B:E2:6B:F2:4E:27:54]
Sending message...
Message sent.
6:2011/01/19 20-46-30:aqhbci(2226):dialog_https.c: 139: Message sent.
5:2011/01/19 20-46-30:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 718: Message sent
6:2011/01/19 20-46-30:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobDialogInit" from "encoded" (3) to "sent" (4)
Warte auf Antwort
Waiting for response...
HTTP-Status: 200 (OK)
Response received.
Disconnecting from server...
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 747: Got a message
Antwort erhalten
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 916: Mode is: pintan
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 919: Decoding message:
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 1481: Logging to file [/home/useruser/.aqbanking/backends/aqhbci/data/banks/de/BLZBLZBLZ/logs/20110119-204619-001.log]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 109: Supporting type "time"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 109: Supporting type "time"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 1481: Logging to file [/home/useruser/.aqbanking/backends/aqhbci/data/banks/de/BLZBLZBLZ/logs/20110119-204619-001.log]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):msgcrypt_pintan.c: 708: Message signed by "AAAAAAAA"
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 583: Found a result
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 607: Result: Warning (3060: Teilweise liegen Warnungen oder Hinweise vor (HBMSG=10336))
HBCI: 3060 - Teilweise liegen Warnungen oder Hinweise vor (HBMSG=10336) (M)
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 583: Found a result
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 629: Segment result: Ok (20: Der Auftrag wurde ausgeführt.)
HBCI: 0020 - Der Auftrag wurde ausgefrt. (S)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 607: Result: Warning (3920: Zugelassene Zwei-Schritt-Verfahren für den Benutzer.)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1508: TAN method 910 not available
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1508: TAN method 911 not available
HBCI: 3920 - Zugelassene Zwei-Schritt-Verfahren f den Benutzer. (S)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 702: Adding signer "AAAAAAAA"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 710: Storing crypter "AAAAAAAA"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "MsgHead"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobDialogInit" from 026b0000 to 026b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobDialogInit" from "sent" (4) to "answered" (5)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "SigHead"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobDialogInit" from 026b0000 to 026b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "MsgResult"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 963: Msg result: Warning (3060: Teilweise liegen Warnungen oder Hinweise vor (HBMSG=10336))
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobDialogInit" from 026b0000 to 066b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "SegResult"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 768: Checking whether job "JobDialogInit" has segment 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 841: Job "JobDialogInit" checked for 4: first=3, last=4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 773: Job "JobDialogInit" claims to have the segment 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 851: Segment result: Ok (20: Der Auftrag wurde ausgeführt.)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 843: Segment result: Warning (3920: Zugelassene Zwei-Schritt-Verfahren für den Benutzer.)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobDialogInit" from 066b0000 to 066b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 859: Adding response "SegResult" to job "JobDialogInit"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "UserData"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 768: Checking whether job "JobDialogInit" has segment 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 841: Job "JobDialogInit" checked for 4: first=3, last=4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 773: Job "JobDialogInit" claims to have the segment 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 859: Adding response "UserData" to job "JobDialogInit"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "AccountData2"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 768: Checking whether job "JobDialogInit" has segment 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 841: Job "JobDialogInit" checked for 4: first=3, last=4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 773: Job "JobDialogInit" claims to have the segment 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 859: Adding response "AccountData2" to job "JobDialogInit"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "AccountData2"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 768: Checking whether job "JobDialogInit" has segment 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 841: Job "JobDialogInit" checked for 4: first=3, last=4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 773: Job "JobDialogInit" claims to have the segment 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 859: Adding response "AccountData2" to job "JobDialogInit"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "SigTail"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobDialogInit" from 066b0000 to 066b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "MsgTail"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobDialogInit" from 066b0000 to 066b0000
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 1017: No TAN in job [JobDialogInit]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 1040: Dialog not aborted, assuming correct PIN
Dialog wurde nicht abgebrochen, PIN scheint gtig zu sein
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 799: Message dispatched
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 936: Dialog open request done
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1380: Committing data
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "MsgHead"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1613: Checking whether "MsgHead" is a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1672: Segment "MsgHead" is known but not as a BPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "SigHead"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1613: Checking whether "SigHead" is a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1672: Segment "SigHead" is known but not as a BPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "MsgResult"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1613: Checking whether "MsgResult" is a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1672: Segment "MsgResult" is known but not as a BPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "SegResult"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1508: TAN method 910 not available
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 1508: TAN method 911 not available
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "UserData"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1613: Checking whether "UserData" is a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1672: Segment "UserData" is known but not as a BPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1683: Found UserData
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "AccountData2"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1613: Checking whether "AccountData2" is a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1672: Segment "AccountData2" is known but not as a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1706: Found AccountData
Empfangenes Konto: BLZBLZBLZ / Giro@Clusiv
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1755: Account "YYYYYYYYY" already exists
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "AccountData2"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1613: Checking whether "AccountData2" is a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1672: Segment "AccountData2" is known but not as a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1706: Found AccountData
Empfangenes Konto: BLZBLZBLZ / Giro@Clusiv
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1755: Account "AAAAAAAA" already exists
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1822: Adding UPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "SigTail"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1613: Checking whether "SigTail" is a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1672: Segment "SigTail" is known but not as a BPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1407: Checking group "MsgTail"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1613: Checking whether "MsgTail" is a BPD job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1672: Segment "MsgTail" is known but not as a BPD job
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1891: Finished.
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 240: Copying signers from job to queue
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 287: Job added to the queue
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 132: Job "JobTan" needs BPD job "HITANS"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 173: Checking Job JobTan (3)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 236: Highest version is 3
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 358: Single message job
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobTan" from "unknown" (0) to "enqueued" (2)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 287: Job added to the queue
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 101: Encoding job "JobMultiTransfer"
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 108: Queue needs a TAN
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 30: No ITAN hash mode, assuming RMD160
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 33: Using RMD160
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 84: Hashed job segment
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 194: Job "JobMultiTransfer" encoded
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobMultiTransfer" from "enqueued" (2) to "encoded" (3)
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 101: Encoding job "JobTan"
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 111: Jobs doesn't need a TAN
3:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 63: Signers must be added before nodes !
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 194: Job "JobTan" encoded
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobTan" from "enqueued" (2) to "encoded" (3)
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 95: Encoding queue
Auftre werden kodiert
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):msgcrypt_pintan.c: 291: This queue doesn't need a TAN
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 1481: Logging to file [/home/useruser/.aqbanking/backends/aqhbci/data/banks/de/BLZBLZBLZ/logs/20110119-204619-001.log]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 1481: Logging to file [/home/useruser/.aqbanking/backends/aqhbci/data/banks/de/BLZBLZBLZ/logs/20110119-204619-001.log]
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 209: Sending queue
Auftre werden gesendet
Connecting to server...
Resolving hostname "" ...
IP address is ""
Connecting to ""
Connected to ""
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqbanking(2226):abgui.c: 165: Automatically accepting certificate [49:6C:5D:7D:13:F8:65:D5:2C:9B:E2:6B:F2:4E:27:54]
Sending message...
Message sent.
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):dialog_https.c: 139: Message sent.
5:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226) 221: Message sent
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobMultiTransfer" from "encoded" (3) to "sent" (4)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-31:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobTan" from "encoded" (3) to "sent" (4)
Warte auf Antwort
Waiting for response...
HTTP-Status: 200 (OK)
Response received.
Disconnecting from server...
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 747: Got a message
Antwort erhalten
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 916: Mode is: pintan
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 919: Decoding message:
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 1481: Logging to file [/home/useruser/.aqbanking/backends/aqhbci/data/banks/de/BLZBLZBLZ/logs/20110119-204619-001.log]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 109: Supporting type "time"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):msgengine.c: 109: Supporting type "time"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):message.c: 1481: Logging to file [/home/useruser/.aqbanking/backends/aqhbci/data/banks/de/BLZBLZBLZ0110119-204619-001.log]
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):msgcrypt_pintan.c: 708: Message signed by "AAAAAAAA"
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 583: Found a result
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 596: Result: Error (9010: Nachricht ist komplett nicht bearbeitet (HBMSG=10319))
HBCI: 9010 - Nachricht ist komplett nicht bearbeitet (HBMSG=10319) (M)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 596: Result: Error (9010: Verarbeitung nicht möglich (HBMSG=10497))
HBCI: 9010 - Verarbeitung nicht mlich (HBMSG=10497) (M)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 596: Result: Error (9800: Dialog abgebrochen (HBMSG=10321))
HBCI: 9800 - Dialog abgebrochen (HBMSG=10321) (M)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 702: Adding signer "AAAAAAAA"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 710: Storing crypter "AAAAAAAA"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "MsgHead"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobMultiTransfer" from 426b0000 to 426b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobMultiTransfer" from "sent" (4) to "answered" (5)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobTan" from 026b0000 to 026b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 874: Changing status of job "JobTan" from "sent" (4) to "answered" (5)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "SigHead"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobMultiTransfer" from 426b0000 to 426b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobTan" from 026b0000 to 026b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "MsgResult"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 958: Msg result: Error (9010: Nachricht ist komplett nicht bearbeitet (HBMSG=10319))
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 958: Msg result: Error (9010: Verarbeitung nicht möglich (HBMSG=10497))
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 958: Msg result: Error (9800: Dialog abgebrochen (HBMSG=10321))
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobMultiTransfer" from 426b0000 to 4a6b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobTan" from 026b0000 to 0a6b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "SigTail"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobMultiTransfer" from 4a6b0000 to 4a6b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobTan" from 0a6b0000 to 0a6b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 744: Handling response "MsgTail"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobMultiTransfer" from 4a6b0000 to 4a6b0000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 764: Changing flags of job "JobTan" from 0a6b0000 to 0a6b0000
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 1017: No TAN in job [JobMultiTransfer]
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 1017: No TAN in job [JobTan]
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobqueue.c: 1028: Dialog logically aborted by peer
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 783: Dialog aborted by server
Dialog-Abbruch durch den Server.
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226) 147: here (-2)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 818: here (-2)
3:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1388: Error performing queue (-2)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1454: Error performing queues (+S, +C: -2)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 266: Finishing customer box
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 109: No pending jobs to check
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobmultitransfer.c: 191: Processing JobMultiTransfer
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):adminjobs.c: 1240: Processing JobTan
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2097: Not checking security in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2171: Not checking signature in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2097: Not checking security in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2171: Not checking signature in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2097: Not checking security in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2171: Not checking signature in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2097: Not checking security in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2171: Not checking signature in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2097: Not checking security in PIN/TAN mode
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 2171: Not checking signature in PIN/TAN mode
AqHBCI abgeschlossen.
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):outbox.c: 1620: Unlocking customer "AAAAAAAA"
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):user.c: 135: Extending user with mode 4
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 758: Looking for id 00000044
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 761: Comparing 00000044
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):job.c: 1055: Exchanging 2 (JobMultiTransfer)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobmultitransfer.c: 407: Exchanging (2)
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):jobmultitransfer.c: 589: No segment results
3:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 878: Error exchanging results
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqbanking(2226):banking_online.c: 119: Error executing backend's queue
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqbanking(2226):banking_online.c: 70: Checking job...
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqbanking(2226):banking_online.c: 70: Checking job...
4:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqbanking(2226):banking_online.c: 137: Not a single job successfully executed
Nachbehandlung der Auftre
Module zurksetzen
Aufträge werden ausgeführt: Finished.
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 186: Deinitializing AqHBCI backend
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):hbci.c: 166: Deinitializing AH_HBCI
5:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):hbci.c: 177: Setting version 05000000
6:2011/01/19 20-46-32:aqhbci(2226):provider.c: 122: Destroying AH_PROVIDER
Ich hatte erwartet, dass mich ein Dialog nach der Eingabe einer TAN auffordert. Das ist hier aber nicht geschehen.
Die oben angeführter Aufzeichnung ist mit der Einstellung des Verfahrens auf 910 durchgeführt worden, bei 911 verhält sich alles analog.
Habe ich übersehen, noch etwas zu installieren?